2. How to Help a Crying baby? Tips for parents and caregivers


Do you have headache to soothe your crying baby, be frustrated with your baby’s persistent crying, or even get depressed after trying millionsof ways to pacify him or her in the middle of the night?  
First, you must keep in mind that crying is infants’ natural wayto communicate. The average time infants cry a day is 1-3 hours, but there aresome infants crying more than others.
The common reasons why they cry are: they are hungry,  they are tired, they are in pain, they areexperiencing colic, acid reflux or food allergies, they have wet or dirtydiaper, they get overstimulation from noise or activity, they have gas, theyhave anxiety or fear.  
Babies sleep, eat, play, change the diaper. They repeat the cyclemultiple times a day  until they reachtoddler schedule. Understand this cycle is important because you may assumeyour baby needs. For example, you normally feed your baby at 3 pm. If he or shestarts to cry around 2:50pm, you know that your baby is hungry. If it’s out ofcycle, you will notice that abnormal crying happened.
Build a secure attachment bonds. You are bonding with your babywhen you touch, hold, cuddle and comfort him or her, when you talk and sing,and make eye contact.
The first year is the initial stage for your baby to build trustwith the world. If you give your baby consistent, predictable, and reliablecare, he or she will develop a strong sense of trust. Those who learn to trustcaregivers in infancy will be more likely to trust others throughout theirlives. The security keeps children on a healthy developmental track as theygrow, it paves the way for children to learn to regulate emotions, and it’s afoundation of true self-esteem.
So get more intimate interactions!




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